Equipment Condition Definitions

New - Factory new product with full manufacture's warranty/guarantee included.

New Surplus - Unused product not necessarily still under warranty by the manufacturer. This product is usually sold with a one year Rogers Equipment Sales, Inc. warranty; may also be offered "As-Is/E-Okay"

Reconditioned - Product has been reconditioned by a competent apparatus service provider and is offered with a warranty from either Rogers Equipment Sales or the equipment rebuilder directly. Warranty period can range from 90 days to one year or longer, everything's negotiable.

As-Is/E-Okay - Electrically Okay condition means the apparatus operates and complies with the stamped nameplate rating and has been or is capable of passing any or all tests noted in section 4.3 of "ANSI/EASA Standard AR100-1998: Recommended Practice". No warranty is given or implied as to the motor's mechanical condition. One should always assume the apparatus will need some level of servicing or overhauling. Client has a very short time to claim the motor is not "Electrically Okay"